This is a very quick guide to set-up Zbrush displacements in Clarisse.
As usually, the most important thing is to extract the displacement map from Zbrush correctly. To do so just check my previous post about this procedure.
Once your displacement maps are exported follow this mini tutorial.
- In order to keep everything tidy and clean I will put all the stuff related with this tutorial inside a new context called "hand".
- In this case I imported the base geometry and created a standard shader with a gray color.
- I'm just using a very simple Image Based Lighting set-up.
- Then I created a map file and a displacement node. Rename everything to keep it tidy.
- Select the displacement texture for the hand and set-up the image to raw/linear. (I'm using 32bit .exr files).
- In the displacement node set the bounding box to something like 1 to start with.
- Add the displacement map to the front value, leave the value to 1m (which is not actually 1m, its like a global unit), and set the front offset to 0.
- Finally add the displacement node to the geometry.
- That's it. Render and you will get a nice displacement.
Render with displacement map.
Render without displacement map.
- If you are still working with 16 bits displacement maps, remember to set-up the displacement node offset to 0.5 and play with the value until you find the correct behaviour.