Yes I know, make your Mari textures work inside Maya could be a bit weird specially if you never worked before with multi UV spaces.
I hope to give you some clues with this quick and dirty step by step tutorial.
I’m using the blacksmith guy from The Foundry who has 40 textures with 4k resolution each.
- First of all check your model and UVs.
- Export all your textures from Mari. You know, right click on the desired channel and export.
- Now you can type the naming convention that you want to use. I like to use COMPONENT_UDIM.tif COL_1001.tif for example.
- Check your output folder. All your textures should have been exported.
- Import your model in Maya and check the UV mapping. You need to understand how the UV shells are called inside Maya to offsetting your texture maps.
- The default UV space is 0-0 the next one on the right will be 0-1 the next one 1-1 and so on.
- Open the first texture map called COL_1001.tif in the hypershade and rename the image node to COL_1001 and the 2D placement node to UDIM_1001.
- Do the same with all the textures.
- Select all the texture nodes and open the attribute spread sheet.
- Set the default color RGB to 0.
- Select all the 2D place texture nodes and open again the attribute spread sheet.
- Switch off wrapU and wrapV.
- Type the properly offsets in the translate frameU and translate frameV.
- Create a layered texture node.
- Select all the texture images nodes and click and drag with MMB from an empty space of the hypershade to the layered texture node attributes tab. This will create one layer with each texture map.
- Delete the default layer.
- Set the blending mode of all the layers to lightnen.
- Connect the layered texture to the input color of one shader of your election.
- Repeat the whole process with all your channels. (SPEC, BUMP, DISP, etc)